This Week’s Experience – 7/12/2020 Message notes Leave this field blank Please note that so many scriptures were either quoted or partially referenced in this message that we could not fully list them all. Instead here is an index of each one that you can look up on your own for further study, prayer, and reflection:2 Timothy 1:71 John 5:21Acts 2:25-28John 12:32Galatians 3:28James 1:19Proverbs 18:2Matthew 22:34-401 Corinthians 12:7, 27Romans 12:9Matthew 18:15-18John 11:1-441 John 5:21LIFE APPLICATIONTo discuss during the week with your family or Life GroupLIFE APPLICATIONTo discuss during the week with your family or Life Group1. Have you ever been the minority in a place or situation? What was your experience like? How does that differ from your normal life?2. Antoine discussed removing idols from your own life. Do you have a regular time of self-examination? What is it that needs to be removed right now? Who can help you with this?3. When it comes to race, what blind spots might you potentially have that you need to research more on?4. What was your biggest take-away from these two weeks of conversation?5. What is your next step as a result of this message? Email This is where we will send your notes Legal Yes, I accept terms and conditions Send my notes Save draft